Ninapintasantamaria's Blog

{February 9, 2011}   This was an expired one…Um…Yeah.

I plan to test again later. Ummm….yeah. I have no idea if this is accurate, although all the information I can find is that expired tests aren’t necessarily inaccurate, especially if they were in the original packaging. If so, I have no idea how far along I am, because of the “Nothing, Nothing, and More Nothing Syndrome” we’ve got going on with my ute. *sigh* Oh, yeah, that means no telling anyone you know who might want to know till I’ve peed on 12 more sticks, gottit??? (Those who’ll need to have gottit will get it, I’m sure, and those that don’t, not to worry.)


Update: This one wasn’t expired. Um….SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!!!


Holy shit! Wow! Yay!!!!!!!!

Yay! Congratulations!

May says:


*runs round and round in circles, waving hands excitedly and squeaking*

Hugs hugs hugs and fingers crossed and cautious excitement and ohh, everything, including flypast of rainbow unicorns pooping sparkling baby-dust.

Nina says:

Thank you, May, and everyone. I’m getting bloodwork done tomorrow, so I should know something by Monday night! The Weirdness living in my body masquerading as a uterus played me for a fool….again.

Nicole says:

Very happy for you…just wanna know how you’re going to handle having two kids with both their birthdays right near Christmas?! πŸ™‚ You really need to learn to space out your baby-making timeline. πŸ™‚

Valerie says:

Yay! So I’m not allowed to blurt this out tomorrow night?? Evil, evil sister. πŸ™‚

I would squee, but it would hurt my throat. *sigh*

Nina says:

Actually, my plan was to tell Mom tomorrow, myself. Anyway, Nicole, I *think* this one will be due some time around the end of October. But, you know how that goes. Every member of my family was born on or was due and therefore born very close to a holiday. This one will get Columbus Day or Halloween. Yaaaaay.

Valerie says:

Columbus Day is such a non-holiday that it really won’t make a difference. And Halloween? Guaranteed candy and costume parties every birthday. Enough said.

Enna says:

I totally missed this the first time around – CONGRATS! I saw your next post and was like…she’s pregnant? WOAH. And then saw this post. CONGRATULATIONS!

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