Ninapintasantamaria's Blog

{May 21, 2011}   Drumroll, please…..

Introducing….Sabrina Elise! Yes! Tater Tot finally has a name! YCU and I finally agreed, and this is it!

{May 15, 2011}   Presenting…ME!!!

Hi, all! Fletcher here! I got new soohs, and I can climb! I’m a very big boy. I also can give kisses (which I find to be Very Funny), and hi fives!! I don’t like Eating Out anymore. Well, I like it if I can play in the food and get up and run around and make lots of noise, which my Very Mean Mommy won’t let me do! I luuuuuuurrrrrrrrrves me some Sunday School. Ms K is fun! I’m a most good and determined ‘vestigator. Is that the same as an alligator? Anyway, I almost ‘scaped while I was ‘vestigating the new groceries Mommy was bringing in the other night. Da-da had to come get me and keep me “corralled”, whatever that means.
P.S. Mommy would like me to say that this is a very old picture from when I just turned all big and One. I’m 17 months, now, I’ll have you know! Anyway, she says that the computer ate her pic of my new soohs, and she’ll try to get it up soon.

So Sunday, the YCU came home with a *new* breast pump (Wahoo!!), some darling coming-home-from-the-hospital clothes, Twizzlers licorice (my favorite), and some chocolate. This is much improved.

{May 7, 2011}   PSA for men everywhere:

Guns are never a good Mother’s Day gift. Never. I don’t care if she hunts with the best of them, and is a member of the Navy Seals. NO mother wants a gun for Mother’s Day. NOT ONE OF THEM. How could any man be so clueless? I was hoping that all this extra work he’d been doing would lead to a nice Mother’s Day gift. I hope he didn’t expect me to jump up and down and be excited, cause that certainly didn’t happen. I was even so bold as to ask him what made him think I would want a gun, when a pair of diamond earrings would have sufficed? I’m going to bed.

et cetera