Ninapintasantamaria's Blog

{May 12, 2009}   Today

My 1st u/s is today.  My 1st appt is today.  I’m paranoid.  I’m pathetic.  I’ve no reason to be upset or worried, I’ve had no bleeding, but I’ve also had no nausea,  and no tiredness that wasn’t brought on by taking a prophylactic anti-puke.  You’d think I’d be thankful and count myself lucky so far, but no, I’m a worry-wart, and can’t help myself.  I”ll update you all later, after the appt.

Update:  Everything looks good!  That perfectly round thing you see is the yolk sac, then directly under that is the head and cranial cavity.  Which is round like it’s supposed to be, so I feel much better.  Directly west of the yolk sac is the right arm bud (I think) and the left is southeast of that. Directly south of the left arm is the umbilical cord.  That string-like structure that’s right above the friendly greeting.  It’s all blown out of proportion here, but I can tell, anyways!  I just hope the scan on Thursday goes well, then I’ll truly go public.


et cetera